Aashi was born and raised in a small town in India. Growing up, she was fascinated by the world of technology. Her father, an engineer, would often tell her stories about the tech giants in Silicon Valley. This sparked in Aashi a dream to work there one day.
Throughout her school years, Aashi excelled in science and math. She was known among her peers as the “tech wizard,” always eager to solve complex problems and innovate. Her teachers noticed her potential and encouraged her to consider a career in technology.
Despite her talent, Aashi faced a significant challenge: her English proficiency was not up to the mark. Since her dream job was in the United States, she knew she had to overcome this hurdle.
She enrolled in English courses and worked hard to improve her skills. Despite the difficult grammar and unfamiliar idioms, Aashi was determined. She practiced English every day, speaking with her teachers in English, watching English movies, and even thinking in English.
After high school, Aashi attended one of the top universities in India for engineering. She excelled in her studies and her passion for technology grew stronger. However, the ultimate test was still to come: landing a job in Silicon Valley.
After her graduation, Aashi managed to secure an interview with a renowned tech firm in San Francisco. She was thrilled but also nervous. She realized that her dream was just one step away, and she decided to give it her best shot.
A few vocabulary and phrases to learn from the story:
This background story not only provides a context for Aashi’s situation in the main story but also introduces students to additional vocabulary and phrases that they can learn and use in their daily lives.